
2024-04-19 13:48:28 资讯新闻网

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1、此刻的我,正在想你。 At the moment, I am thinking of you. 2、我爱你,每时每刻! I love you every moment! 3、喜欢你这件事,从来没含糊过。 Like you this matter, has never been vague. 4、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers in the United States, not you in my heart. 5、风里有花香,身边有很爱的人。 There are flowers in the wind, and there are loved ones around. 6、与你相恋,时时甜蜜。 Love with you, always sweet. 7、我爱你,胜过爱自我。 I love you more than I love myself. 8、很想见,是你的笑脸。 Most want to see, is your smile. 9、想跟你朝朝暮暮,嗯嗯又啊啊。 I want to stay with you day and night, Mm-hmm. 10、浮生三事,你你你。 Floating life three things, you, you, you. 11、幸好有你,万分感谢。 Thank you very much. 12、我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。 I want to know you well. I will live a long life. 13、花开花谢,永相随。 Flowers bloom and wither, always with each other. 14、情深缘浅,方为梦魇。 Deep love, shallow, is a nightmare. 15、给我一个拥抱,我会陪你到老。 Give me a hug, I will accompany you to the old. 16、和你在一起,有糖的味道。 With you, there is a taste of sugar. 17、你别皱眉,你很珍贵。 Don't frown, you are the most precious. 18、人杰地灵,物宝天华。 People are outstanding, things are precious, and the sky is bright. 19、繁星落城,漫若浮光。 The city is full of stars. 20、你是我很好,我是你什么。 You're the only one for me. I'm what you are. 21、梦中,有你一夜好眠。 Dream, you have a good night sleep. 22、我爱你,想要和你在一起。 I love you and want to be with you. 23、九朵玫瑰,久久不忘。 Nine roses, never forget. 24、至此,心猿归林,意马有缰。 At this point, the heart ape returned to the forest, and the horse had rein. 25、厚厚思念,灿烂笑脸。 Thick missing, bright smile. 26、情致袅袅,画意悠悠。 The sentiment is curly and the painting is leisurely. 27、我脸就搁这,看你亲不亲。 I'll leave my face here to see if you kiss me or not. 28、如若是你,随时随地。 If it's you, anytime, anywhere. 29、我是面试的,面试你的男朋友。 I'm interviewing. I'm interviewing your boyfriend. 30、常思对方,相守到老! Always think of each other, stay together until old! 31、我非常喜欢一家店,你的来电。 I like a shop very much, your call. 32、我姓李,想走进你的心里。 My name is Li. I want to go into your heart. 33、身边有你,就是幸福。 Being around you is happiness. 34、心或容颜,岁月磨练。 Heart or face, years of tempering. 35、愿你是道光,我愿成为追光者。 May you be Daoguang and I would like to be a light chaser. 36、我有超能力,超级喜欢你。 I have super power. I like you so much. 37、世界凋零,因想你。 The world withers because I miss you. 38、误入眉眼,喜欢多時。 I like it for a long time. 39、撕开云雾,你就是光。 Tear open the clouds and you are the light. 40、去见你时,四野的风都来迎我。 When I go to see you, the wind from the four fields comes to meet me. 41、宇宙或是人海,请把我认出来。 The universe or the sea of people, please recognize me. 42、你这么甜,是蜜桃派来的吧? You're so sweet, are you from peach pie? 43、有你在,连空气都是甜的。 With you, even the air is sweet. 44、在一起,在哪里,都好。 Together, where, all right. 45、花不若你,天恨妒。 If flowers are not like you, heaven is jealous. 46、我愿爱你,十万年。 I'd love you for a hundred thousand years. 47、我的心,为你而跳。 My heart beats for you. 48、你死了,我做和尚! You're dead, I'm a monk! 49、愿百世夫妻,与你。 May the husband and wife of hundred generations, with you. 50、你不离,我绝不弃。 If you don't leave, I will never give up. 51、我喜欢你,不是一时兴起。 I like you, not on the spur of the moment. 52、祝这位小朋友,年年有我。 I wish this child every year. 53、比赛总会结束,但想你不会。 The game is always over, but I don't think you will. 54、爱你不是两三天,是岁岁年年。 I love you not for two or three days, but every year. 55、我很慌乱,你别介意。 I'm in a panic. Don't mind. 56、因为我,刚好遇见你。 Because of me, just met you. 57、上一次喜欢你,是在十秒前。 The last time I like you was ten seconds ago. 58、告诉桃花,不必再开了。 Tell the peach blossom that it doesn't need to bloom again. 59、家人闲坐,灯火可亲。 The family is sitting around and the lights are friendly. 60、拥着你,是一种浪漫。 Holding you is a kind of romance.





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