
2024-03-14 09:42:31 资讯新闻网

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  Everybody , today I am going to introduce a film which that I like most -- "A Little Thing Called Love ".

  This is a famous Thailand film, is a youthful love comedy. I'm like the " a liang ", " xiao shui". Xiao shui is very ordinary, but she likes the school's most kind, most excellent boys -- A Liang.

  There is a sentence I like -- " in every one of us deep inside, hidden in a person, every time I think about him, will feel a little pain, but we are still willing to keep him in my heart. Even today, I don't know where he is, what he was doing, but at least I know, he let me understand, what is love this little thing. "

  When I saw the movie, I thought: " youth is a happiness within knowing first, left is full of pathos, in Retrospect and full of ideas. Secret love where the most fascinating is that did not say exports, and crush the happy ending is a time when I like you just like you and me. I gave my youth spent in unrequited love, also don't want to be with you together. "




  当我看完电影,我想:“ 青春本来就是是一件乐在其中却不知情,离开了满是感伤,回想起来又满是想法的事情。暗恋很迷人的地方就是没有说出口,而暗恋很欣慰的`结局就是我暗恋你的时候正好你也喜欢我。我把青春耗在暗恋里,还不是想要和你在一起。 ”


  The film is about a girl who has fallen in love with a boy for many years and she has kept improving herself to become outstanding so that the boy would fall in love with her.But in the end,she got to know that he also has kept in love with her for a long time.After many years,they also love each other,consequently they got married happily.I love the film very much ,because the love story is devious and moving,especially the spirit the girl expressed.And the ending is cheerful. Thank you for your listening.






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